Ahhhhhhh FALL is upon us ladies!! Not gonna lie, I’m pretty stoked about the changing leaves, snuggly sweaters and reeeeally good coffee on cold mornings. It’s a pretty amazing time of year to live in Colorado, and I’ve been trying to get outside as much as possible to make the most of it before the darkness and snow settles in for the winter.
I’m writing this from one of my favorite coffee shops up in the mountains, taking a day today for a bit of a timeout – from life in the city, from running errands, from trying to ‘get shit done.’ Like most of us, there are times when I let my anxiety run amok because I’ve gotten too caught up in the to-do lists of life, and I need to get back to my center a bit.
Breaking away is CRUCIAL for managing our anxiety. Whether it’s a day in the mountains, an hour in a hot bath, or an Eat-Pray-Love style adventure someone on the other side of the world, we ALL need breaks to help us recenter. Reset. Remember what it is that’s most important to us. Otherwise, the tyranny of the to-do will slowly, or not so slowly, begin to drive us. It can be addictive, if we let it.
The thing is, lots of us struggle with knowing how to do this, or more often, giving ourselves permission to do this. Talking through these issues in therapy can be helpful for making a plan to come back to ourselves, come back to our center, and start to prioritize ourselves as much as we prioritize others.
If you’re a Denver woman struggling with anxiety management, know that you’re not alone. This is a huge struggle for many women, especially those with a lot going on – jobs, families, kids, careers, friends, etc. It’s hard to know how to make it all work. At Root Counseling, we specialize in helping the kickass women of Denver get to the next level of joy, peace, lightness and ease in their lives. Give us a call at (720) 363-9188 or Book Online Now!