fear vs faith, mental health, denver co, root counseling, depression, anxiety

Fear Vs. Faith

Recently, those of us at Root Counseling have been talking a LOT about fear. What it is, when and how it shows up, and how it trips us up on …

new, newbie, colorado, denver, root counseling, mental health

A Shout Out to the Newbies!

If you are new or recently moved to Denver, you’re probably discovering a few things about the Mile High City. First of all, we’re a pretty transient bunch! A lot …

self esteem, low self esteem, women, mental health, root counseling

Struggling with Self-Esteem?

I don’t know any woman who hasn’t, at some point in her life, struggled with self-esteem in some form or fashion. No matter how smart, pretty, accomplished or secure we …

women's health, mental health, women, counselor, root counseling, denver co

On Putting Ourselves Last…

One of our favorite things about running our women’s counseling practice at Root Counseling is getting to work with and serve the people we are most passionate about helping. And …

out with the old, in with the new, root counseling, women's health, denver counselor

Out with the Old, in with the New

A few years ago I was introduced to the concept of something called “liminal space.” “Liminal” is the Latin word for “threshold,” something of an in-between space in life. When …