feelings, you decide, new year, mental health, root counseling

How Do You Want to Feel?

Happy New Year, ladies! We made it! Hopefully in one piece, although I imagine a lot of you are feeling preeeetty exhausted after this first week of the New Year. …

playing big, playing small, dreams, goals, mental health, root counseling

Playing Big, vs Playing Small

Earlier this week I was sitting with a friend at one of my favorite Denver coffee shops – the adorable and delightful Weathervane Cafe in Uptown – discussing her next …

beautiful things, health blogs, mental health, root counseling, denver co

Beautiful Things

As therapists providing women’s counseling in Denver, the topic of beauty often comes up with our clients. Any woman who has grown up in our highly sexualized, highly body-focused culture …

self esteem, low self esteem, women, mental health, root counseling

Struggling with Self-Esteem?

I don’t know any woman who hasn’t, at some point in her life, struggled with self-esteem in some form or fashion. No matter how smart, pretty, accomplished or secure we …