My Fantasy Dinner Party

Lately I’ve been noticing some really fun similarities between myself, and many of my clients. As a Denver therapist providing women’s counseling, my clients and I talk a lot about how to improve ourselves. Often that leads to what books we’re currently reading, how they inspire us, and what authors we follow. I joked with one client recently that she and I both would probably invite the exact same people to a “fantasy dinner party,” a dinner where all our favorite minds would gather in one place to share a meal and chat the evening way. With us, of course. 🙂 She asked who I’d invite, so I thought I’d share that here with you ladies!

Elizabeth Gilbert would definitely be there, sharing her ideas on creativity with us (I can just hear her saying, “Follow your curiosity, Jen!”) Next to her might be Rob Bell, inspiring us all beautifully around the absolute wonder and awe of just being alive and human. Sassy Anne Lamott would be swinging her sparkling water around, cracking us up with jarringly honest and hilarious lines like, “I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.” Brené Brown, with her lovely Southern accent, would keep us all reminded of the importance of vulnerability in building intimacy and connection. Stephen Pressfield would remind us about resistance and all the ways we talk ourselves out of doing the thing we just KNOW we were created to do.

I could go on, but what I just LOVE about this list and these great thinkers is that ALL of them provide much-needed voices of encouragement on our path, leading and guiding us to greater truth, greater freedom, and greater alignment with who we really are. They are helping us to become the best version of ourselves we can possibly be.

At Root Counseling, we share that same vision. We believe in freedom and joy, and dealing with our shit so we can move forward unencumbered. We believe in dreams being realized and love being restored and laughter coming back. We believe in purpose, in community, and in the absolute necessity of human connection. We believe in you, and if you are searching for greater meaning or purpose, or navigating challenging life transitions as a woman, that’s our jam. Give us a call at (720) 363-9188 or if you dig doing things online, Book Online Now!

With love and light,

Root xo

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