Self-Care 101

Wow, ladies – I’ve been noticing that folks are STRESSED this month, and 2017 has felt off to a rocky start for a lot of folks. The political division and energy pulsating around us is negatively impacting a lot of people, and self-care has become more important than ever to help us navigate a lot of change in our country right now.

Often, when we think of self-care, we think of it as an “indulgence,” or a “luxury.” NOTHING could be further from the truth. The truth is, society doesn’t reward us for taking care of ourselves, especially not as women. Think about it. When we ask another person how they’ve doing, how often is the response, “Oh, so BUSY!” We almost wear it like a badge of honor – as in, being overwhelmed and busy = I’m succeeding at life. We glorify the notion of working through lunches, eating in our cars, and getting in ONE MORE THING for the day. The problem is, this approach is totally burning us out and making us sick. Living like this for long enough can also lead to massive problems with anxiety.

So ladies, take heart. A little self-care can go a long way. Trying starting off with just this simple ritual: First thing in the morning, take 5 minutes for yourself. Make a cup of hot tea with lemon (this has numerous health benefits which you can read about here). While sipping this, read ONE thing that lifts you up – a spiritual book, or perhaps a mantra or affirmation. Alternatively, simply close your eyes and breathe, visualizing something that makes you feel good.

FIVE minutes. Doing this daily will start to change your thinking and your life – and help you get out of that panicky morning chaos that usually marks the beginning of our day. How we start our day matters!

If you’re feeling the extra stress lately, we’ve got a wealth of tools and expertise here at Root Counseling to help you get rid of that sense of overwhelm once and for all. Give us a call at (720) 363-9188, or Book Online Now!

With love and light,

Root xo

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